The Facility is manned twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Meet Matt
In the upper left hand corner of each page of this web site is our friend "Matt", one of the many fish who live in the aquarium in our main lobby. Matt shares the tank with Barbs, Plecos (Algae Eaters), Catfish, Black Skirt Tetras, Red Wagtail Plattys and Angelfish. These varieties of fish can be found in many aquariums; what makes ours unique is that they swim in the plant effluent, which is wastewater that has been treated by The District's facility. This fact is remarkable by itself, but it becomes even more so when you realize that fish are more sensitive to pollution than humans!Matt, and generations of his companions, demonstrate the superiority of the water quality produced by The Mattabassett District. In fact, the water in Matt's aquarium has a higher quality level than the waters of the Connecticut River, which in recent years has seen a resurgence of its fish population.
On this web site, you will find information about our history, technology, success over the years, and day-to-day operations. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like additional information. The Mattabassett District proudly supports the communities it serves, and offers its facilities to local teachers and classrooms for educational purposes.